5 Aspects to Consider BEFORE Getting you All on 4 Treatment in Mexico
In the United States, the average price for an All on 4 procedures would be $20,000 to $30,000 per arch with the price for the entire mouth being close to $ 60,000. In Mexico, however, you can get an all on 4 procedures for $ 9500 to $12,500 which would guarantee a saving of $8500 USD Per Arch, usually double savings of about $ 30,000 for both upper and lower. There are many important factors when thinking of getting this treatment and especially abroad. We will cover 5 Important Factors that you should consider when choosing a dentist for an All on 4 Procedure in Mexico. The “All on 4” Treatment in Mexico is often referred to as well as Fixed Hybrid Dentures, All on 6 Implants, Overdentures or Fixed Zirconium Superstructures all having the same results changing in some aspect. The 5 Factors we will cover will be Technology, Quality, Certification/Training, Costs, Risks. After reading this article you should have a clear idea of what to look for when choosing a clinic abroad. Th...